Category: "TV"

Would kids today go this far for a loaf?

[youtube]6Mq59ykPnAE[/youtube] They don't make them like this anymore! SHARETHIS.addEntry( { title : 'Would kids today go this far for a loaf?', url : ''}, { popup: true } ) ; more »

7 days on the breadline - episode 2

Last night was episode 2 of the series, where four "stars" move in with a family and attempt to live "on the breadline" Mel B has to look after six kids on a limited income. To her credit she tried to use her influence to help them out, free gym… more »

BNP livening things up

BNP livening things up
Anti fascist supporters "stormed" the BBC television centre today, to protest about the BNP appearing on BBC1's question time tonight. Ironic, as a fascist will suppress free speech, which is exactly what the anti-facist movement are trying to acheive!… more »

7 days on the breadline

7 days on the breadline is a three part series starts tonight (at 9pm) on itv1 and for once it looks like being a series that is not about promoting former "celebs" - but looks at real people, ie. people like you and me. I know how hard times are for… more »