Tag: "fruit"

A mixed bag growing fruit and veg 2024

by Value hunter  

How has your growing season gone in 2024? more »

Planting for 2015

by Value hunter  

2015 planting out begins... vegetables more »

Free seeds for next year

by Value hunter  

Free seeds for next year
Gathering and drying out, next years seeds.
For next years fruit and veg, late summer/early autumn is ideal for getting your seeds, cheap and often for FREE! Peapods - The white powdery covered pods that have only half grown or been caught by the colder nights, etc, are ideal seed material.… more »

Why does tap water prevent plant growth?

by Value hunter  

Why does tap water prevent plant growth?
Why is tap water no longer any good for healthy plants?
Last year, my tomato plants reached the dizzy heights of 5-6 foot tall and gave me fruit right up until late October. They were grown in the greenhouse and watered with water from an outdoor storage container, ie, rain water. This year, I have only been… more »

Seeds - planting out fruit and vegetables for 2010

by Value hunter  

With April showers fast approaching, it's the time of year when I turn to choosing which plants I want to grow from seeds. Seeds are an invaluable resource, where ever possible I'll be using a thrifty alternative to buying them in packets. I find it… more »