I don't understand why our local Asda store has brought in their own range of greaseproof paper (alongside their own range of tun foil as well) then they flooded the shelving with their own brand product, then pushed all the prices up?
Here at the building site* we usually buy Warburtons bread. Not only is it cheaper at our local garage (fresh delivery every other day and is delivered on the same van as Asda and Tesco's deliveries!) it is 10p per loaf cheaper and has been for about three years, it also has the added bonus of being wrapped in greaseproof paper!
When I was growing up in the 1970s, I was lucky enough to have a mum who baked regularly. Back in those days it was customary for most sliced loaves to come wrapped in greaseproof paper - the habit has stuck with me, as now I empty the wrapping of crumbs, seperate the joiny bit, fold it up and place it in my kitchen drawer.
I don't need to pay £2 - £3 for a roll of what I throw away every other day!
* Building site: unfinished extension on our house
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