Tag: "contracts"
Actual loss or penalty charge?
By Value hunter on Nov 17, 2011 | In In real life, Money chat, Frugal wars | Send feedback »
"Actual loss" is a gauge for determining whether or not the fees, charges, termination costs or administration fees (and many more charges dressed up with fancy names) are what your personal circumstances have done to cause a loss to a business where a… more »
Home made consumer protection
By Value hunter on Jan 10, 2011 | In In real life, Wondering, Money chat, Common sense, Frugal wars | Send feedback »
I have been kicking around an idea for a while now, so I thought I would share it with you, regarding protecting myself and my family on major purchases, in effect, home made consumer protection. We had to purchase a car a couple of years ago, with two… more »