Equidebt now EQL
By Value hunter on Nov 23, 2010 | In In real life, Money chat, Bad business
If you have an unpaid debt, then it maybe purchased by a "company" called equidebt, be prepared for some telephone calls from a "company" called EQL.
The telephone call will consist of asking for the person named on the debt, followed by repeated requests for the person named on the debt, wether they are present or not.
Their advisor will give their name and state they are from a company called "EQL"
Of course, equidebt ltd and EQL are the same company.
The advisor will then completely ignore any verbal request to remove your telephone number from their records and to contact you in writing ONLY.
The equidebt or EQL advisor will then instruct you that they will simply ring you up again at another time and terminate the call.
These telephone calls could come at any time, more often than not they will come around tea time and early evening.
Equidebt's actions are standard, fair game, for a debt collection company right? WRONG!
What equidebt/EQL are doing is illegal:
- Telephone calls at unsociable hours
- Refusing continuous requests to remove your telephone number from their records - even when that telephone number belongs to someone else!
- With holding clear information about who they are working for (any written contact is made by "equidebt limited" when asked who they represent they say "EQL" - the advisor has to be asked again who EQL are, only then do they reveal they are infact equidebt)
- Refusing continuous requests to have contact made in writing only
How are equidebt/EQL breaking the law?
Administration of Justice Act 1970;
s 40 - "harassment of a would be debtor"
When notified in writing, equidebt/EQL should remove a debtor's telephone number from their records (This should not be completely ignored when equidebt rephrase their company name to "EQL").
Any telephone calls should not be at a time of unsociable hours.
When making contact via telephone or written letter, equidebt/EQL should make clear exactly who they are with immediate effect. (It is against the law to misrepresent who they are by quoting more than one company name)
At no point, should correspondence cause "duress" to the would be debtor (Telephoning when written request has been made for contact in writing only, is bad enough, but to add to the duress, by making remarks to the effect that telephone calls will carry on regardless of the would be debtor's legitimate requests to cease.
Other laws that will also be applicable:
* Consumer Credit Act 1974 - If a company do not comply with the law regarding harassment of a would be debtor, they may also be in breach of this act, as regards their suitability to hold a consumer credit license (which they will need to be able to operate as a business).
* Data Protection Act - Often, account notes from debt collection companies are not updated correctly and accurately. Which is why all correspondence should be in writing only.

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