Comment from: mike [Visitor]
Quit moaning and do it yourself then. You can't compare a police man's wage to a football players so what gives you the right to compare a plasterer to your 'lass'? Get in the real world you get what you pay for and fyi I charge 175 per day per plasterer. Not bad for a scabby spread. Regards Mike.
16/10/12 @ 18:02
Comment from: [Member]
Value hunter
Older post this one Mike, Got the job done for under £400 inc materials. I can and do compare, especially when it's our main source of income being shelled out on a job. We have to watch the brass and budget. At your current rate it would have cost the family pot more than 2 weeks wages, inc petrol and meals. This includes a 40 hour night shift. I helped on the job doing some labouring, etc. Ta for posting.
17/10/12 @ 02:00

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