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Comment from: redhair11 [Visitor]
With the mixed weather we have had lately I have been mostly able to line dry so that mostly items are only damp. Then put items on 1 of our 3 airers and when we are going to bed, take the airers to the lounge where the woodburner has been on and shut the door. By next morning, all washing is dry and ready to iron. Haven't used the tumble drier for over 2 weeks by doing this so very pleased. Was telling my mother about it and she said that it is the same principle she remembers years ago when my gran had a pulley drier in the kitchen and would dry the washing off with heat already generated.
29/11/11 @ 15:14
Comment from: [Member]
Value hunter
Your mother is wise, same principle applied here by us. A friend fitted a pulley drier only two weeks ago and if I could find one going cheap, I'd fit one here. Having a new electricity meter fitted, yet even with same settings, monthly costs of energy have increased from £45 to £60 - Eon are unable to account why this is happening, even after the staggering 19% price increase is factored in. With gas and electricity suppliers here, both unable to explain why prices between october and march suddenly shoot up, despite same length of time appliances, etc, are being used, and they cannot explain why we are paying so much for our energy even with more "energy saving measures" in place than they recommend, a regulator OFGEM who is doing nothing, I decided it was time to take matters out of the energy company's hands. I can only wear one shirt at a time, why not hang them in an unused wardrobe and put them on airers I thought, it has been over 4 weeks now, without using the tumble dryer, yet electricity costs have increased... just think if we had been using the tumble dryer! I am simply going back to doing things the way I was brought up to do in the 1970s and in doing so, taking away money from the energy companies which treat my family with scant regard, like a cash cow to pay out bonus' and shareholders. I think many people will be getting big energy billing shocks come next year, when they realise just how much they have been charged for using energy this winter! Thanks for taking the time to post.
29/11/11 @ 21:46

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