Eon key meter failings - Eon staff must do better!
By Value hunter on Jan 7, 2010 | In In real life, Money chat, In the home, Bad business, Frugal wars
Eon fitted us a smart key meter - after paying for credit to go on the meter, the emergency £5 credit was showing at nil and unavailable, Eon staff insisted that it was my fault and that I had used the "emergency" before my own credit ran out!
Here is a list of excuses given by Eon customer service staff to myself, regarding problems with our "new" and "more efficient" smart key meter:
- "The engineers add £10 emergency credit when installing a key meter" - this is incorrect!
The £10 credit they put on our meter was credit and still left £5 emergency credit, which my first credit payment paid back. - "You have used the emergency £5 credit already!" - factually inaccurate!
Once the £10 credit was used I activated the £5 emergency credit, using £1.87 of it. I then entered the smart key into the meter with £20 on it, which paid back the £1.87 back on to the emergency credit, which left me with £18.13 in credit.
The £18.13 credit was used over the next two weeks and when the key meter was showing less than £1 I attempted to activate the emergency credit reserve, which showed as being nil and unavailable.
Can I physically use emergency credit whilst also using paid credit? No was the reply, well how can I have used the emergency credit then? The advisor had no answer! - "The meter takes a few weeks to bed in!" - utter tosh, it is an electrical device, it should work correctly and accurately from the moment it is installed!
- "Key meters remove the need to send people round to your house to read your meter" - a blatant lie!
At present, by law, a meter must be read at least once every two years (It was previously every 3 months) Your meter must still be read once every two years, no difference what-so-ever from the law, as it stands today. - "Any difference in price of electricity from when you put credit on the meter until you put more credit on it, is written off!" - completely the opposite to what the three previous advisors told me. I am more inclined to believe them as our six monthly statement showed a shortfall of more than £50 for electricity that is paid for in advance. This outstanding amount fell to just £12 by the next statement, clawed back by the meter settings.
It is time that big business was punished severely for misleading customers.
For the past ten years the regular line has been trotted out by managers and senior company staff, "This has identified a training requirement."
It is not a training problem highlighted all to often with big business, it is blatant misleading of customers and knowingly giving out inaccurate information to explain away their profiteering, at the expense of the customer!
Eon smart key meters costing customers more money
Eon want to fit key meters - why?
Eon customer service number

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