Categories: "Frugal wars"

Wiper blades in winter

Some things are so simple to do and can save you real money, time and effort. Protecting your wiper blades from the harsh conditions of winter is one area you can do all this. Ask yourself: Are you any good at changing a wiper blade? (Halfords charge… more »

De-iced car windows with a potato

Using a simple potato, you can save petrol! Frosty winter mornings, don't you just love them! How much petrol is wasted each morning, whilst you defrost your car? Cut a large potato in half - using the "inside" side, each night wipe over your windows… more »

Energy key meters - why?

I have been battling with Eon and British Gas for more than 12 months now, regarding their cheating (strong word but needed in this case) us out of money! We pay by smart card, like a credit card with a chip built into it. It is easy enough, we visit… more »

Fixing a car mirror on

A frugal trick for interior or exterior car mirrors. Don't buy the special sticking glue or patches to fix mirrors on, they are more than £4 normally and are a waste of space. Instead buy some "number plate pads" (all car accessory shops have them)… more »

Use cash instead of banks

For years we have had the benefits of banks thrust in our faces and seen them take over every aspect of our lives, isn't it time that cash, once again, became king? "Convenience costs" - I am sure we would all agree, I don't believe that banks can any… more »