Categories: "Fun"

BNP livening things up

BNP livening things up
Anti fascist supporters "stormed" the BBC television centre today, to protest about the BNP appearing on BBC1's question time tonight. Ironic, as a fascist will suppress free speech, which is exactly what the anti-facist movement are trying to acheive!… more »

Car scrappage scheme - basic maths

I always apply the ideal, "if it sounds too good to be true, then it usually is!" When the car scrappage scheme was brought in by the government, it looked too good to be true. Why hadn't it been done before? How similar to the european scrappage plan… more »

7 days on the breadline

7 days on the breadline is a three part series starts tonight (at 9pm) on itv1 and for once it looks like being a series that is not about promoting former "celebs" - but looks at real people, ie. people like you and me. I know how hard times are for… more »

Ed Miliband

Ed Miliband
Does Ed Miliband look like an extra from a Nick Park animation film or is it just me? SHARETHIS.addEntry( { title : 'Ed Miliband', url : ''}, { popup: true } ) ; more »

Christmas crackers are dangerous?

Marks & spencers have their new range of Christmas crackers in the shops, before you rush out and buy them please be advised they come with a clear WARNING! Under the "Fireworks act" it is now illegal to sell christmas crackers (yes that is christmas… more »