O2 MMS problems
By Value hunter on Feb 18, 2010 | In Money chat, Bad business, Product reviews
Have you ever tried to send a picture message (or MMS) to the USA?
I sent one the other day, to a friend in New York, all they received was a text message, telling them to visit the o2 website to collect the picture.
So, as I was sorting out my contract with o2, I asked them why a picture could not be received.
- My o2 phone settings are working correctly
- Their cell phone/mobile phone settings are fine, as they can receive pictures and MMS from vodafone and orange networks
- There are no other reported problems.
Here is o2's explaination:
"The problem must be with the servers in America, not being set up to receive o2 picture messages!
The problem is nothing to do with o2 as our servers are sending the pictures out, as they are receiving a text message."
When I questioned this account of the problem, the o2 advisor denied that o2 were to blame.
O2, like every other mobile phone operator, have agreements with mobile phone companies in other countries. In effect, they hire foreign mobile phone operator's network.
It is obvious because other UK mobile networks operators can send pictures on my friend's network in America, the fact that o2 cannot, suggests they are not willing to pay this same network in America, to enable UK customers to send MMS or picture messaging.
MMS or picture messaging sends more data than a standard text message, so will cost more. The cell phone receiving the picture message from the UK, receives a simple text message, pointing to where o2 has stored the image, on their own systems.
The regular text message shows that USA networks are set up to receive messages no problem, but for the picture to be blocked from being sent and stored on o2's own internet servers, shows that no agreement is in place.
The only reason no agreement is in place, is because o2 will not pay the fees the American network are demanding.
So no, I do not believe the o2 advisor, who blamed American networks for the problem.
I also think that o2 should be forced to state exactly how many other networks around the world, that they refuse to pay for their users to send pictures or MMS to.
This way, people are made aware of the limits of o2's service, BEFORE they sign up to a contract that can last upto 2 years!

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