Are Consumers Association Which? manipulating their own conversations and campaigns?
By Value hunter on Aug 16, 2012 | In In real life, On the web, Wondering, Bad business
The editorial team over at Which? conversation think that it is appropriate and proper, to mislead individual posters and readers on their "conversations" web boards.
Which? are happy to have a post appear on their web boards when it is sent from and then viewed by a logged in user, while at the same time, hide it from the view of all users whom are not signed up members and also those that are logged in members, as well as those subscribing to email updates of the particular thread (in other words, everyone elses view).
It must be stuck in their spam filter?
A few weeks ago, a post of mine on a Which? conversation was said to be stuck in their spam filter. The post was sent and immediately disappeared from my view and everyone elses. After repeating the post, again it simply did not show to anyone, my own account included.
On this occasion, my post can be seen, voted upon, etc, by myself. When I visit the "conversation" not logged into the website, (ie, as unregistered user) my post is not shown.
When friends have logged in with their accounts, again, my post is not shown.
The only time I can see the post is when I am logged in under my account.
The technique being used by Which? editorial staff, misleads me to believe that my post is part of the "conversation" and open to voting, questioning, etc.
Of course this is false - as no other visitor to the website can see it, they don't even know it exists!
Perhaps your post had been "reported" to the website moderators and held in a queue, then not picked up on?
A couple of days later I was "warned" by the editorial team on a different "conversation" that my posts may have to be deleted if they were "harassing" other people responding to the topic.
I replied asking about how it could be deemed "harassment" when in fact I was asking questions requested by Which?'s own staff?
Within seconds of posting my reply it was marked as "disagreed with" [perhaps a post cannot be removed once it's been voted upon? this argument is for another time]
I logged out, cleared cookies, visited the conversation again, it was displayed no problem.
This shows that my posts were not automatically being held back, as a result of my other post being "reported" to the Which? moderators.
However, later that evening I was reading online as I do, when I came across an article which was relevant to the same "conversation" - I posted a link and a comment. I logged out, cleared cookies and revisited the "conversation" - my post, that was displayed fine when I was logged in and viewing it, was not there.
Friends logged in and checked, they too could not see the post.
This proves that my Which? account had restrictions placed upon it by their editorial staff and my post hidden from view to everyone. I was not told of this, I was given no explanation, etc.
The following morning, the post suddenly appeared on the "conversation" viewable by everyone.
It has been more than 2 days now since my comment on the "conversation" in question, nobody else has posted a comment since my comment went missing from anyone's view. I've had no messages about it, no answers to the questions I asked in it, nothing, not a peep from Which?
The post/comment itself was about how I could not support the Which? campaign "fixed means fixed" that is being promoted all over the media and questioned Which?'s actions on the issue in only submitting a formal complaint, timings, failing to post relevant details to worried people posting on the Three "conversations," how their official complaint had delayed the process with OFCOM, why information on discussions between Three and Which? were being kept confidential, etc. (I shall post my comment - that Which? do not want anyone to see - on here shortly)
Further proof comes when I "reported" a comment to test the procedure. The comment remained displayed to everyone, when I was logged in and when I wasn't logged in. My friends could also see the comment I reported when they logged in.
This shows that "reported" comments are not automatically removed from the Which? conversation boards, they have to be manually removed by the editorial staff, which also proves that they are not automatically held in any queing system, where it could be said that restoring the comment to being visible to all "was not picked up on"
It's normal to delete forum posts that do not meet the website's guidelines
When logged in, my post is still there, can still be seen on the "conversation" as normal along with other people's comments.
The post has not been deleted, Which? are happy for me to be given the impression that my post is there for all to see, when only I can see it when logged in. This is misleading.
Which? have not contacted me to say it breaches any guidelines.
It's just a website...
Normally I would agree, but this is the Consumers Association trading as Which? Only four consumer bodies have the power to issue "Super complaints" in England, Which? is one of these and as such must meet certain criteria set down by government/legislation.
* Which? regularly lobby MPs on behalf of all consumers - regardless of whether their viewpoint agrees with Which?
* Which? advise MPs of all parties on many areas of business on behalf of consumers.
* Which? must remain independent, my post questioned this and provided a breakdown of what has happened during the course of the Which? conversations with Three on their price rises issue, the advice Which? have given to people and asked questions of Which? - to which they have responded by misleading myself giving the impression I was involved in their "conversation" when in fact I am excluded from it.
To sum up...
Which? conversation editorial staff should be answering questions posted to their website, by acting in the way they have chosen, suggests that my reasons for not supporting their "fixed means fixed" campaign may be correct.
IF my opposition is accurate, then this raises serious questions about the integrity of Which?
I was of the impression that being the consumers association, Which? were open to views from all sides on any given question that THEY ask and promote, by hiding my post to all but my logged in account, they have shown that Which? "conversations" and "campaigns" cannot be trusted to be accurate.
How many more Which? members have posted comments that have been hidden from view in this way?

« Which? conversation "Fixed means fixed" campaign comment, that they don't want you to see! | Satellite system care - 0844 8000 405 - BEWARE! » |