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Comment from: Chris [Visitor]  
I have not had this experience on Which? (I've never posted on their forums and so couldn't). However, I have other concerns about which and their coverage of certain issues which I feel are misleading and/or biased. Do they have too much power? If we, as the consumers they claim to represent have concerns about their actions, what recourse do we have? (i.e. is there an ombudsman or similar that we can refer the issue to?)
16/08/12 @ 12:59
Comment from: [Member]
Value hunter
I looked at this last night Chris. From the OFT on super complaint guidelines, it says these were set up by the business minister, whom is of course, advised by Which? As for non super complaint stuff, I couldn't find anything online about where to register a complaint. I am uneasy about groups, website forum business owners being consulted on their "expertise" as whenever I question the business concerned as to why they view them as "an expert" or "stakeholder" the business refuses to answer.
16/08/12 @ 13:07

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