Tag: "fos"
The road to "Rip off britain" - The Hampton principles
By Value hunter on Mar 9, 2012 | In In real life, Bad business, Frugal wars, Quango watch, Rip off Britain | Send feedback »
The road to "Rip off Britain" - The Hampton report and "Risk based" regulation and enforcement... more »
Financial Ombudsman Service rule against PPI refund claim on the basis of psychic powers?
By Value hunter on Feb 10, 2012 | In In real life, Money chat, Bad business, What is the point?, Quango watch | 1 feedback »
Psychic powers of the financial services ombudsman #FOS decide complaints involving designated FSA companies... more »
The Financial Ombudsman Service is a failure!
By Value hunter on Mar 18, 2011 | In Money chat, Bad business, What is the point?, Quango watch | Send feedback »
I have currently one case awaiting an ombudsman to pick up and rule upon. The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) have had this for well over a year now. My last communication with them was by telephone, since October 2010 (It's now March 2011), it has… more »
When the Financial ombudsman service are not impartial
By Value hunter on Sep 30, 2010 | In Bad business, What is the point?, Quango watch | 4 feedbacks »
With hundreds of thousands of individuals putting their trust in the independance of the Financial Ombudsman's service (FOS) every working day, to resolveĆ their disputes, at the very least, after the months to deal with a case, you would expect them to… more »