Categories: "Bad business"

Car insurance costs record rise say the AA

Car insurance premiums have risen by a new record amount say the AA. Really? Thanks for stating the bleeding obvious! The reason the AA say, is because of another surge in injury claims - utter rubbish! My insurance more than doubled with direct line,… more »

When the Financial ombudsman service are not impartial

With hundreds of thousands of individuals putting their trust in the independance of the Financial Ombudsman's service (FOS) every working day, to resolveƂ their disputes, at the very least, after the months to deal with a case, you would expect them to… more »

Tradesmen need to get in the real world!

I have an absolute gutfull this week, of "tradesmen" quoting times and money for jobs, that are a complete joke! I always compare what they will charge with the better half's wage - who does a job that only four companies in the world can do. Constantly… more »

Frugal ways beats Tesco!

Frugal ways beats Tesco!
When my local Tesco store were selling Lurpak at a 50p higher price than you could buy it from the same store, same shelf, if you placed an order online, I watched their shelf price for almost two weeks. Nothing changed. Once we had run out of said… more »

Little treasures children's trust - are threatening court action!

Little treasures children's trust - are threatening court action!
Little treasures children's trust charity have instructed a solicitor to act on their behalf, and attempts have been made to make, "the website with the name, incapable of use, at least pending resolution of this matter." If steps are… more »