Category: "Money chat"
Equidebt now EQL
By Value hunter on Nov 23, 2010 | In In real life, Money chat, Bad business | 18 feedbacks »
If you have an unpaid debt, then it maybe purchased by a "company" called equidebt, be prepared for some telephone calls from a "company" called EQL. The telephone call will consist of asking for the person named on the debt, followed by repeated… more »
Cancelling an AA membership is harder than buying take that tickets!
By Value hunter on Oct 30, 2010 | In Money chat, Bad business | 8 feedbacks »
Twenty seven phone calls over 24 hours and STILL I haven't been able to cancel my AA membership! Each time I ring up, "We are very busy dealing with breakdown calls, please try again later" - then I am cut off. I have tried afternoons, evenings, after… more »
Are bank charges fraudulent?
By Value hunter on Oct 26, 2010 | In In real life, Money chat, Bad business, Frugal wars | Send feedback »
I believe that some bank charges are in breach of the fraud act 2006. A real example: You have £100 left in your account. You make an authorised card payment for £60 (leaving a £40 balance on your account) A direct debit, of £50 is due out of your… more »
Avoid unpaid direct debit bank charges
By Value hunter on Oct 24, 2010 | In In real life, Money chat, Common sense, Frugal wars, Frugal thinking | 1 feedback »
Bank's love to charge for each unpaid direct debit (and knock on overdraft charges, etc), it makes huge profits from them, it knows this, their customers know this, the powers that be know it. So avoiding running up unpaid direct debit charges (and… more »
Car insurance costs record rise say the AA
By Value hunter on Oct 12, 2010 | In In real life, Money chat, Bad business, Product reviews | 1 feedback »
Car insurance premiums have risen by a new record amount say the AA. Really? Thanks for stating the bleeding obvious! The reason the AA say, is because of another surge in injury claims - utter rubbish! My insurance more than doubled with direct line,… more »