Category: "What is the point?"

Financial Ombudsman Service rule against PPI refund claim on the basis of psychic powers?

Psychic powers of the financial services ombudsman #FOS decide complaints involving designated FSA companies... more »

Trading standards are doing nothing about supermarkets!

Trading standards failing to keep supermarkets in check! more »

How do you justify this - British Gas, Energy saving trust, DECC and OFGEM?

I'll keep it simple, so that staff from the aforementioned companies and state bodies can understand it. We installed complete double glazing, including all our doors - we used more units of gas We fitted cavity wall insulation - we used more units of… more »

Blackpool pleasure beach rip off

Sprog2 (under two years old), mum and dad, thought we would have a look at Blackpool pleasure beach this afternoon. We looked at it, from outside, that was it. It was mid afternoon, we were greeted by a Blackpool pleasure beach "ambassador" - a 16 year… more »

Retailers get your clothing and shoe sizes in order!

Retailers get your clothing and shoe sizes in order!
Is there any point to having clothing sizes?
The whole purpose of having a scale for clothing and shoes is to make things easier for shops/stores and customers to select goods to purchase. When I buy a 16 inch collared shirt, wether it be from Burtons or Asda, the collar should be 16 inches. If I… more »